Asbury believes that Scripture is the ultimate authority in our lives and in the practice of our faith. Scripture teaches us that “In the Beginning,” God created humans (us!) in His image, but sin distorted that image. However, He sent His Son, Jesus, to die for our sins and set us free – He is the KEY to life. Baptism helps us as disciples to begin the work of renewing ourselves into the image of Christ during our earthly journey, until we are reunited with Him in Heaven.
Baptism FAQs:
1. Are there any requirements to be baptized at Asbury? Yes, you must attend a one-time baptism class before you can be baptized. The class is approximately one hour long and led by one of Asbury's pastors.
2. If you are interested in scheduling a baptism, please fill out the form. This will begin the process.
3. Do I have to be a member of Asbury? Normally yes; baptism into Christ goes hand-in-hand with joining a local congregation of Christians. So you take the vows of church membership at Asbury following the vows of baptism. In some cases we may baptize children related to our congregation members, but when we do so, their parents are promising to raise them in the faith in a local Christian congregation.
4. Is there a certain age limit for an immersion baptism? Yes, the age requirement is six years and older. Children six and older will take the vows for themselves.
5. Is there a certain age limit for a sprinkle baptism? No, any age can have a sprinkle baptism. The parents will be taking the vows on behalf of a child aged five years and younger, agreeing to raise that child in Christian faith.
6. Is there any difference in spiritual meaning between sprinkling and immersion, or between baptism of adults and young children? No, and yes. In all cases baptism is entrance into the covenant family of God. The water in any amount symbolizes new birth in Christ. Children of believers are just as fully baptized as believers themselves. The differences is that adults and older children are expressing their own faith and their own choice, whereas infants and young children are baptized as an expression of their family’s determination to raise them in the knowledge, love, and worship of Almighty God. Though not all Christians affirm this practice today, most Christians have for most of history. We follow Father Abraham, who was saved by God’s grace through his faith and trust in God’s promise, then was commanded to bring his children into the covenant along with him. Baptized children will have the opportunity to affirm their choice to continue following Jesus at the time of Confirmation, which we practice in the eighth grade.
7. When and where are the baptisms held? Asbury holds baptisms on specific Sunday mornings at the 9 or 11 am worship services (please see 2024 immersion dates on the form). Your baptism will be featured during the worship service and on the livestream along with others baptized that day.
8. Can I be re-baptized? If you were baptized in another Christian church, at any age and with any amount of water, you will not be “re-baptized” at Asbury. We believe God was active in your life far before coming to Asbury and that the sacrament can only be received once. However, throughout the year we provide opportunities to “remember your Baptism and be thankful,” touching the baptismal water as you receive prayer from a pastor.
9. Do I need to wear special clothes for immersion baptism? You will receive an Asbury T-shirt at the Baptism Class for those that would like one. You will also want to wear dark colored shorts.
10. Who do I contact for more information about baptism? All Baptisms are scheduled through our Membership office! Please email Michelle at
if you have any questions.