“Start children off on the right path. And even when they are old, they will not turn away from it.” – Proverbs 22:6 NIrV

Kindergarten Bibles & Blessings is a yearly, special, one-of-a-kind moment in Sunday worship services, yet transformative for an entire child’s life. An adored tradition in Methodist Churches, this presentation of Scripture is a lifelong investment to prepare your children for reading in general and to begin relying on God’s promise of eternal life through Jesus Christ.

During the service, your child will be called forward to receive their very own Kids Quest Study Bible (NIrV). Since this Bible presentation is a gift from both Asbury and your family, we invite your family to come forward with your child as well. Our Senior Pastor will personally congratulate and pray with your child before returning to your seats. 

At Asbury, Scripture is primary. Our prayer is that this Bible will be a book your children study on a daily basis, so they may grow in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ while using it as a guide in their spiritual development as a Christian. We invite the congregation to be in prayer with us over these children as they grow in body and spirit, supporting them through their entire lifelong faith journeys.

Bibles & Blessings FAQs

Will my children be able to understand this Bible?
Yes! We have purposely chosen the Kids Quest Study Bible (NIrV), as it contains easier words to read and understand. It also has a brief overview of each book, so your children can easily learn who wrote the book, why it was written, what happens, what is learned about God, who is important and when it happened during history.

For example: “Start children off on the right path. And even when they are old, they will not turn away from it.” – Proverbs 22:6 NIrV 

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” – Proverbs 22:6 ESV 

Is this Bible version used in AsburyKids programming? Yes! It is used in both AsburyKids Sunday morning programming and Wednesdays at Asbury. The rest of Asbury uses the ESV version. Once an AsburyKid reaches fourth and fifth grade, we begin explaining more in-depth the difference and reasoning between using different Bible versions.

Contact Events Associate: 

Shanon Brown
Main Office Phone: 918.492.1771