Serve Opportunities

Wrapped in Love: Prayer Shawl Ministry

On extra rough days, there is nothing like being wrapped in a handmade shawl that has been prayed over to help one sense the love and presence of the Lord. If you knit or crochet and want to help make shawls for members who need comfort in some way, please join us. If you would like to contribute to “wrapping someone in love,” donating yarn would be greatly appreciated! For more information and to confirm meeting dates and times, contact Sharyl at 918.629.9909 or .

Care Card Ministry

An encouraging card with God’s Word can lift the spirits of someone who is experiencing illness, loneliness or grief. Asbury’s Care Card Ministry is an outreach to the congregation in love and concern. Join us if you would like to help write a note and send cards.

We meet at 9 am on the first Monday of each month in Room 2821. If you know someone who would be encouraged by receiving cards, please send contact information to Ruth: 918.392.1146 or   

Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministers are members who have been trained to provide a listening ear and a helping presence for others who need support while they struggle through life's rough times or challenging decisions. If you are interested in becoming a Stephen Minister, please contact Karen at .

If you would like to request a Stephen Minister, leave a message at 918.392.1183 and your call will be returned Monday-Friday. 

Congregational Care Ministry

Asbury cares when you are hospitalized, homebound or living with a chronic illness. Congregational Care Ministers (CCMs) are specially trained and commissioned to walk alongside the pastors to provide regular visits or phone calls to pray, provide encouragement, give Communion and anoint with oil. If you or someone you know from Asbury is going into the hospital or is unable to attend church for any reason and they would benefit from a CCM, contact Betty Nollan at 918.261.3043 or

Please keep us informed if you, or someone you know from Asbury, will be in the hospital.  Because of HIPAA, the hospitals no longer let us know when Asbury members are hospitalized. To request a hospital visit, please call the main office at 918.492.1771.  

Do you want to share God’s love with someone who is not able to join in regular church activities because of health concerns or limited mobility? Join our next CCM Academy to become a trained and commissioned volunteer. Call Betty Nollan at 918.261.3043 or to get more information.

Healing Hats

If you knit, crochet or sew, the Knotty Ladies provide an easy way to serve God and share His love with those losing their hair due to cancer treatments. To date, over 25,000 hats have been produced. The Knotty Ladies meet from 1-3 pm every Tuesday in Room 1508. 

For those who prefer to decorate ball caps, the Decorating Darlins' meet at 9:30 am every fourth Tuesday of each month in Room 1508. There are no specific commitments or quotas to meet, only blessings from using your creative abilities to help those in need. This ministry reaches those in Tulsa and beyond with the reminder that they are loved. For more information, contact Sue at  .


Our Quilting Ministry volunteers sew quilts for anyone dealing with sickness, loss, hurt or pain. Baby Quilts are also available to anyone celebrating the birth of a newborn. The group meets every other month to fellowship and coordinate projects. We would love to invite anyone to come join us! If you are interested or would like more information, please contact Dotti at . To request a lap quilt, wheelchair quilt, or baby quilt, or to notify the LifeCare office of new births, please contact Ruth at 918.392.1146 or . Or you can drop by the upstairs Administrative Offices during regular office hours and pick one out.