Asbury is pleased to offer several convenient, secure giving methods. Consider taking advantage of these options as you give to Asbury.
As always, we ask that you contact your tax advisor for professional advice before making these donations. Thank you for considering Asbury in your charitable giving. Contact Curtis Ralston at 918.492.1771 for further information.
Online Giving

Online giving is fast and secured, and you can set a recurring giving as well as one-timing giving by clicking here.
Text to Give

This is a fast and convenient way to safely contribute as a one-time gift. Simply text "asburygive" to 918.393.3922.
In-Person or By Mail

You may return your gift in worship or mail it to: Asbury Church, Attn: Finance, 6767 S Mingo Rd, Tulsa, OK 74133.
Stock Gifts

Appreciated stock is a tax advantageous way to give. For questions about stock and other non-cash gifts, contact Curtis Ralston at 918.492.1771. If you wish to transfer appreciated stock, it must be transferred by December 30.
Bill Pay

Many individuals utilize their personal banking systems to setup bill pay to give. Use Asbury’s address: 6767 South Mingo Road, Tulsa, OK 74133. Make sure your bill pay includes your name and address on the check to receive proper credit.
Memorials and Honorariums

When contributing this way, please note on the check the name of the deceased or the name of the person being honored. Make your check payable to Asbury Church and mail to: 6767 South Mingo Road Tulsa, OK 74133. Asbury will send an acknowledgment to both the donor and the family of the deceased (or honoree if it is an honorarium), so please include the two addresses with your check.
Donations from IRA Assets and Charitable Funds

If you would like to utilize these options, please contact Curtis Ralston at 918.492.1771.