Christmas Travelers Candlelight Service

December 21, 2023
Thursday, December 21, 2023, 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Address: Asbury Church, 6767 S Mingo Rd, Tulsa, OK US 74133
Join us to celebrate the birth of Jesus at one of our five Christmas Eve Candlelight Services, starting with our Travelers Service Thursday, December 21st at 6 pm in the Chapel for those who will be traveling over the weekend, then on Sunday, December 24th at 10 am, 3 pm, 5 pm in the Sanctuary, and 11 pm in the Chapel. All services will be available in person and online at
AsburyKids will have Early Childhood (6 weeks through 4 years old) available at the following services: Sunday 10 am / 3 pm / 5 pm. Check-in will be open 30 minutes before each service. (There is no elementary programming. There is no childcare available for Thursday 6 pm or Sunday 11 pm.)
*On New Year’s Eve, Sunday, December 31, there will only be one service at 10 am.