Music opens our hearts, minds and souls to profoundly receive the Good News of God. Asbury's Music Ministry unlocks that door for us.
We take pride in our rich musical tradition. No matter your age or life stage, we invite you to share your unique musical talents for the glory of God through Asbury's Music Ministry! Not only do we Help Others Follow Jesus by engaging the congregation in worship and teaching them about Scripture through song, we also empower musicians to become ministers through their music so they can share his glory beyond the walls of Asbury.
Each unpaid volunteer has a dedication for their craft, spending hours practicing and living out their membership vows by providing a powerful and memorable worship experience every week. The deep love and passion they have for the Lord, their instrument, their voices, the team and congregation as a whole is clearly evident. Experiencing or joining one of Asbury's music teams is something you don't want to miss.
Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir is comprised of more than 80 people with different backgrounds and abilities coming together to praise God through music. We are a community who prays for one another, cares for one another, has fun together, and works to help others follow Jesus. Our outreach efforts have included Habitat for Humanity, Salvation Army Christmas Angels, and Ronald McDonald House and we have recently traveled to sing at Carnegie Hall in New York and presented Asbury in the Park at River West Festival Park.
- REHEARSES: Wednesdays at 6:30 pm
- SINGS: Sundays in the 9 am Sanctuary worship service
- Contact Sheryl Martin, 918.392.1144,
Contact Us
New Covenant Orchestra
The New Covenant Orchestra is a talented group of volunteer musicians from all walks of life who add an exciting and rich dimension to our traditional worship service. Whether spirited and loud or plaintive and whisper soft, the music they produce enables the listener’s heart to open and be ready to hear God speak. We traveled to Brazil for a mission trip for a global mission project, featured at Asbury in the Park, and present an biennial Fourth of July concert.
- REHEARSES: Wednesdays at 6 pm
- PLAYS: Sundays in the 9 am Sanctuary worship service
- Contact Sheryl Martin, 918.392.1144,
Contact Us
Asbury Singing Ambassadors
The Asbury Singing Ambassadors is a senior adult choir formed in 2001 with 40+ active members. We sing some old songs, some new songs, and some gospel songs, too, while sharing fun and fellowship every week. We have sung at Methodist Manor, Inverness Village, Montereau, University United Methodist Church and various organizations within Asbury Church. The choir welcomes persons 55 and older.
- REHEARSES: Tuesdays at 1:30 pm
- SINGS: Monthly in the 8 am Chapel worship service
- No Audition Necessary
- Contact Tom Overton or Rosanna Corrales at
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Modern Worship Team
The modern worship team is a diverse community of worship leaders seeking to help others follow Jesus through authentic God-centered worship. We seek to grow together in our spiritual walk, leadership abilities, and musical craft. We are always open to new members and involved in more than just the 11 am service.
- REHEARSES: Tuesdays at 6 pm
- SINGS: Leads worship weekly in the 11 am Sanctuary worship service
- Contact Kylee Eden at
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Handbell Choirs
Handbells have been a treasured tradition at Asbury and we are excited to breathe new life into this program. This is a wonderful outlet for people who love music but perhaps don’t consider themselves a singer or have an orchestral skill. If you can count to 4, you can play handbells! We can teach you the rest of what you need to know. It is a great team-building activity and enables even more people to bring the message of God to the hearts and minds of the congregation and the community.
- REHEARSES: various days/times
- PLAYS: Sundays in the 9 am Sanctuary worship service
- No Audition Necessary
- Contact Sheryl Martin, 918.392.1144,
Contact Us
Chapel Worship Team
This worship team sings on a rotational basis and joins their voices with organ and piano to bring a deeper meaning to the chapel service on Sunday mornings. Led by Sheryl Martin, this team is looking for vocalists who can sing once or twice a month.
- SINGS: Leads worship weekly in 8 am Chapel service
- Contact Sheryl Martin,
Contact Us