Mental Resilience
Series: Resilience: The Art of Moving Forward

Things seldom go as we anticipate. There are many variations and transitions that occur. Rarely do we go from “Point A” to “Point B.” There always seems to be “Point C.” Any new and worthwhile endeavor demands mental resilience. I love what Paul says: “Think about these things.” We get to choose our attitude. There are certain ways we should think and certain ways we should not think.
“The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” helped change my thinking. When we shift our thinking, we change our behavior. “Think about these things.” Then put them into practice through action. Then we start to feel better. “Self-talk” is the conversation we have with ourselves. We need to be careful about the tapes we play inside our heads.
Bill Taylor told me on his birthday in 2019, he had accepted my challenge to memorize 30 scriptures. He said he recently finished memorizing the last one. He says them each night. He confessed he memorized some that were not on “my list” but I told him I wasn’t offended since I’m not the author. Bill was born July 12, 1932. He was memorizing scripture at the age of 87. He and his wife, Phyllis, are hoping to hit 50 memory verses this year. What a great example to follow.
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