Outreach Means "Go!"

Series: Grow Out

We cannot overemphasize God’s heart for the whole world. God is missional. Aligning with God gives us missional hearts, too. The Lord’s words to Abraham and to the disciples in the “Great Commission” both begin with the same word: “GO.” They were told to be proactive, not passive. They were not to wait for others to find them. “GO” was their word. Jesus was literally “on the go.” His punchline with the story of Zacchaeus the tax collector was: “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.” The book of Acts tells the mission field: Jerusalem (local), Judea (regional), Samaria (national) and to the ends of the earth (global). Jesus’ church incorporates every person and every people group. It begins at home and goes out.

Speaker: Tom Harrison

August 8, 2021
Matthew 28:16-20

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