The Best Plan Ever

Series: The Best Ever

Jesus’ words emphasize two points. First, Jesus brings a testimony. A good witness knows the subject in a personal way. They have knowledge and experience. They have credibility as a witness, too. Finally, they are willing to testify. A knowledgeable and credible person is not a witness until they speak up, act, and get involved. That is what Christmas is all about—the credible source, God Himself, came to speak into our lives so we might find the best gift ever offered—life, abundant and eternal, in Jesus Christ.

We hear many testimonies about various products, people or experiences. It is easy to have “testimony resistance.” Not everyone who had exchanges with Jesus believed His testimony, either.

Some say, “There must be a God because the universe is so finely tuned.” Others say, “I see truth, beauty, and goodness, so there must be a God.” Still others say something like, “God was real to my mother, so He must be real.” These responses point toward God but share something else in common—there is no personal relationship with God. Often, the thought of having a personal relationship with the Creator has never entered someone’s mind.

December 27, 2020
John 3:34-36

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