To Be Happy We Need Three Things
Series: Axioms

Jim Stovall is one of the most impressive people I have ever known. This Tulsa native started going blind when he was a high school student. He became completely blind when he was an ORU student. Jim told his father that being blind meant he would never have a normal life. His dad had a classic response: “I never thought being normal was anything worth aspiring to.” Jim nearly collapsed into despair, but the Lord used the great Ray Charles to change Jim’s life. He got a new script and refused to live in that cave. Instead, he became a world-famous author, screenwriter, entrepreneur and motivational speaker. Drive down 81st Street headed east, and you can see Jim Stovall’s name on a building on the ORU campus. His generosity is helping future generations.
Jim gave an interview in his home, and I wrote down his words, “We need three things in life to be happy…” I will tell you this Sunday what this remarkable man said in that interview. His quote is now one of my favorite axioms. I have used it in a variety of applications, including memorial services.
The Apostle Paul wrote young Timothy, “so that they may take hold of that which is truly life.” Paul knew that far too many people believed the accumulation of wealth was the meaning of life. When the actor, Jim Carrey, made a fortune, he observed: “I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it’s not the answer.” While we need money to pay our bills, relationships make life meaningful. “Stuff” is not “truly life.” We can live in a far more robust kingdom. Seniors will tell you how quickly life passes. That is why we should put our treasure in the right places.
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