Grow At Home

Grow At Home

March 21, 2021

Every Sunday from 02/21/2021 to 03/28/2021

Address: Asbury Tulsa, 6767 S Mingo Rd, Tulsa, OK US 74133

Contact: James LambertJames Lambert | 918.392.1158

We are excited to start a NEW biblical study with a select number of our Discipleship Communities geared toward young families called Grow At Home: A Beginner’s Guide to Family Discipleship.  If you are not connected to a Discipleship Community and you have kids eighteen years and younger, this is a great chance to check a community out and learn about how to improve your family's spiritual development while meeting new people.  Family discipleship is a very important subject, especially with the challenges facing young families today. When parents help their children become disciples of Jesus Christ through reading the Bible, praying, worshiping, and serving together, they are practicing family discipleship.

This book and study will provide parents with practical tools and ideas for living faith at home. Asbury is making this book available free to any parents with children or students at home.  Sundays Beginning February 21 in the following Discipleship Communities:

9:30 AM

Covenant - Room 2820
Journey - Room 2818 
Rooted- Room 1502
Parents of Kids - Room 1901

11 AM

Ignite - Room 2821
Parents of Kids - Room 1901

4 PM

Parents of Students - Room 1901

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