Two Controversies

March 12, 2025
Every Wednesday, from 03/12/2025 to 04/09/2025, 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Address: Asbury | Tulsa, 6767 S Mingo Rd, Tulsa, OK US 74133
Have you been at one of Pastor Andrew’s Wednesday Night Bible studies and heard something you didn’t agree with? Or that was just different from what you learned growing up in church? This mini-series will focus on two big hot-button issues: Predestination and Perseverance. Does God pre-destine some individuals to be saved, and others to be damned? And, if you are ever saved and in Christ, is it possible to lose your salvation? What does it mean to persevere or endure to the end? These are the things which divide different Christian denominations. We must be clear on what our church believes, even as we are respectful and charitable toward brothers and sisters who disagree. Pastor James will help you dig into the Scriptures each night, building on Asbury’s studies of Romans and John. This class is free of charge.
This class will be held on March 12, 26, April 2 & April 9. We will not meet on March 19.