The Wesleyan Way
February 5, 2025
Every Wednesday, from 01/15/2025 to 02/12/2025, 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Address: Asbury | Tulsa, 6767 S Mingo Rd, Tulsa, OK US 74133
Room: Family Room
What kind of church is Asbury? This used to be a Methodist church, and we’re named after a famous Methodist preacher. But are we “nondenominational” now? Or do we still have a particular theological tradition? What does it mean to say we are a “Wesleyan” church? Find clear answers to these questions in this four-week Discipleship Mini Series taught by Pastor James Lambert. We will run quickly through the helpful little book Absolute Basics of the Wesleyan Way by Phil Tallon and Justus Hunter. Our central question is this: “What is the goal of the Christian life?” Come join us in the new year! Cost is $10 for the book.
Class will be held on Jan 15, 22, 29; Feb 5, and 12