Series: The Magnificent Story

This week we cover chapter 6 in “The Magnificent Story.”
I have two concerns about stories:
1. We think the story is about us, but the magnificent story is Jesus’ story. It truly is the greatest story ever told. Colossians 1:15-18 is mouth-dropping. Jesus came in the flesh to show us the way to God. In fact, He is God. Because of His life, death, resurrection, ascension, and pouring out the Holy Spirit, we can have a magnificent story, too. Knowing this compels us to worship. We have a magnificent story only when we are in relationship with Him, shaped by His Word.
2. Some stories are insufficient. To be magnificent, the story must have all three components: beauty, goodness and truth. Just because I have had an experience or feel a certain way, does not necessarily mean that it is beautiful, good, and especially true.
In chapter 3, “Participating in the Trinity,” Jim wrote about the Wesleyan Quadrilateral (see diagram). We test truth based on four things: Scripture is the foundation. John Wesley was a man of one book, the Bible. However, we also need to steep ourselves in nearly 2,000 years of Christian tradition. What has the church taught? We learn from others. Third, we are not anti-intellectual—so we insist upon using reason. Finally, the candle on top of the cake is experience. Unless we experience Christ as real in our hearts, we are not personally connected with Jesus. Too many Christians today begin conversations with “I think, I feel,” and “this is my truth.” Pilate famously asked Jesus, “What is truth?” Pilate didn’t comprehend the One who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Jesus is the One who sets us free. Our story cannot be magnificent unless it ends with “And they all lived happily ever after.” Only Jesus can help us live happily ever after. We can never do that on our own.
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